About Natanya

I grew up playing! Folk dancing and singing, ceramics and nature, pillowfights and sliding down stairs. At the time it was just normal, an integrated part of my world. But as I grew older I got disconnected from this aliveness in the world of books and tests and grades…and I did not know how to make my way back. Not just that, but the community I had as a child dissolved and I found myself quite alone.

My adult life has been a journey back into the present moment and to a space of connectedness. In college, I (re)discovered dance and the inner world it opened in me. I studied ritual leadership, intuitive movement and physical theater. I discovered the frame drum. I examined my own patterns in relationship with others. At the same time, I started looking at the world around me and discovered many people were suffering from a lack of community and a deeper level of connection.

Finally, I felt the call to learn folk dancing and frame drumming in the lands they originated, in the Mediterranean. I spent the last two years living in Sicily studying community dance and drumming. I learned traditional Southern Italian dances, Romani dances, Tar and Tamburello.

Now I have returned full circle to my origins to share what I have gleaned. My goal is to create a community movement to bring more aliveness into our daily lives, in order to deepen the connection we have with ourselves, one another and with all of life.

From 2022-2024, I studied and lived in Sicily, Italy, learning at Arci Tavola Tonda, Centro Latidou and the Bottega delle Percussioni.

I have a Bachelor of Arts in Dance from Smith College. Other trainings include Kohenet: The Hebrew Priestess Training Institute, Headlong Performance Institute and many years of experience of intuitive movement.